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Purpose Statement:
Creativity remains to be the most influential aspect in the course of my existence, being apart of any creative process gives me unparalleled satisfaction. As I gain experience I am always aspiring and formulating how to make the next project another  positive stepping stone in my career. In the future, I desire nothing more than to continue being an independent creative that can make whatever I long to. 

Sizing: (Height-186cm) (Weight-85kg) (Bust-106cm) (Waist-87cm) (Hips-104cm) (Shoes-29cm) (Hair-Light Brown) (Eyes-Light Brown)
Hometown: (Vancouver, Canada) Birthdate: (July 27th 1998)
Background: Tyler Toic grew up in Kelowna, British Columbia (+250) until the age of 17 when he graduated from high-school at Mount Boucherie Secondary School. Tyler then moved to Antigonish, Nova Scotia to enter St. Francis Xavier University’s American Football program in 2016. After one year in Nova Scotia Tyler yearned for more, and decided to enter Tokyo International University in Japan in 2017. Since that time Tyler has been in Tokyo pursuing his dreams of creating Music, Videos and Photos.